Issue of Journal № 2, 1 part [22], 2010

List of articles

Nanoelectronics microwave. Analysis, synthesis and design of devices

The topology synthesis of forming pulse devices with the given spectral characteristics based on the irregular relief coupled microstrip lines

Ilin A. A., Malyutin N. D., Misyunas A. O., Loschilov A. G.


Ka-band coplanar MMIC amplifiers based on 0.13 m GaAs mHEMT process

Babak L. I., Fedorov Yu. V., Cherkashin M. V., Sheerman F. I., Bugaev A. S., Gnatyuk D. L., Kokolov A. A., Dobush I. M., Dmitrienko K. S., Salnikov A. S., Yachmenev A. E.


Designing of Ka-band single-stage MMIC amplifier with use of CAD synthesis software tools

Cherkashin M. V., Kokolov A. A., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I.


Computer-aided design of Ka-band two-stage coplanar MMIC amplifier

Cherkashin M. V., Kokolov A. A., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I.


Design of 30-37.5 GHz MMIC low noise amplifier based on GaAs pHEMT heterostructures

Cherkashin M. V., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I., Fedorov Yu. V., Gnatyuk D. L.


Investigation of MMIC Coplanar Elements

Dobush I. M., Kokolov A. A., Babak L. I.


Design of X-band MMIC limiter

Dobush I. M.


Review of designing principles and circuitry of MMIC limiters

Dobush I. M.


Ka-band MMIC low noise amplifiers on GaAs pHEMT heterostructures

Gnatyuk D. L., Fedorov Yu. V., Galiev G. B., Galiev R. R., Scherbakova M. Yu.


The electromagnetic response of composite material made on the basis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Suslyaev V. I., Kuznetsov V. L., Mazov I. N., Zhuravlev V. A., Kuleshov G. E.


Microwave Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor

Yuschenko A. Yu., Ayzenshtat G. I., Bozhkov V. G., Babak L. I., Dobush I. M., Salnikov A. S.


The basic devices development for microwave modules

Yuschenko A. Yu., Ayzenshtat G. I., Bozhkov V. G., Monastyrev E. A.


1–6 GHz low noise amplifier

Litvinenko E. S.


Dual Criteria Structural Optimization of Multi-stage Modal Filter

Melkozerov A. O., Samotin I. E., Ashirbakiev R. I., Eremin I. V.


Microwaves characteristics of composite materials made on the basis of hexaferrite nanopowders

Suslyaev V. I., Dotsenko O. A., Babinovich A. N., Krotov S. I., Leuhina A. E.


General approaches to optimal designing of microwave integrated circuits: The state of the art

Sychyov A. N.


Optimal synthesis of microwave integrated circuits based on surrogate modeling: The state of the art

Sychyov A. N., Shestakov V. A.


Development of power field effect transistors with submicron T-shape Schottky gate obtained by optical lithography technique

Arykov V. S., Gavrilova A. M.


INDESYS-MB software tool for model building of microwave monolithic integrated circuits ele- ments based on multidimensional polynomials

Abramov A. O., Babak L. I., Dobush I. M., Dorofeev S. Yu., Peskov M. A., Samuilov A. A.


Development of INDESYS - intelligent software system for computer-aided design of microwave circuits

Babak L. I., Dorofeev S. Yu., Peskov M. A., Sheerman F. I., Cherkashin M. V., Abramov A. O., Samuilov A. A.


Design of Ka-band coplanar MMIC amplifier with power combining

Kokolov A. A., Babak L. I.


Development of a set of X-band MMIC low-noise amplifiers based on 0.15 m GaAs pHEMT tech- nology

Mokerov V. G., Babak L. I., Fedorov Yu. V., Cherkashin M. V., Sheerman F. I., Bugaev A. S., Kuznetsov A. L., Gnatyuk D. L.


Review of mathematical models of microwave high electron mobility transistors

Kokolov A. A., Sheerman F. I., Babak L. I.


Measurement of parameters and characteristics of microwave devices and materials

Characterization of high power microwave transistors

Teyssier J.


Reconstruction of nonlinear model of GaAs pHEMT transistor

Barov A. A., Bidnenko Yu. N., Kondratenko A. V.


Automation of on-wafer measurements of S-parameters and current-voltage curves with Indesys-MS software environment

Salnikov A. S., Dobush I. M., Koshevoy S. E., Sheerman F. I.


Review of test structures intended for measurement of electrophysical parameters of materials in MMIC technology

Salnikov A. S., Yuschenko A. Yu.


Extraction technique of nonlinear EEHEMT model for heterostructure microwave field-effect transistors

Kokolov A. A., Babak L. I.


A technique for extraction of HEMT small signal model

Kokolov A. A., Babak L. I.


Microwave Office PDK development for designing MMICs based on domestic HEMT technology

Salnikov A. S., Kokolov A. A., Sheerman F. I.


Experimental installation for analysis of nonlinear characteristics of microwave circuits in UWB pulse impact mode

Loschilov A. G., Semyonov E. V., Malyutin N. D.


The development of UWB pulse signals processing devices intended for investigations of the nonlinear properties of objects by non-linear reflectometry method

Loschilov A. G., Semenov E. V., Malyutin N. D., Misyunas A. O., Ilin A. A.


Nonlinearity modeling of the baseband signal transformation by semiconductor diode

Semyonov E. V., Bibikov T. H., Malyutin N. D., Pavlov A. P.


Estimation of effective magnetic permeability of composite radio materials having nanosize particles of the active phase

Suslyaev V. I., Korovin E. Yu.


Microwave probes for measuring the characteristics of planar elements of integrated circuits

Ladur A. A.


Microwave technology nanoelectronics

Design of non-precious metals GaAs pHEMT with submicron length T-shape gate

Erofeev E. V., Kagadey V. A., Ishutkin S. V., Nosaeva K. S., Anischenko E. V., Arykov V. S.


Sensor gaseous hydrocarbon-based porous film SiO 2 +C nanometer thickness

Usov S. P., Troyan P. E., Saharov Yu. V.


In 0,52 Al 0,48 As/In 0,53 Ga 0,47 As/In 0,52 Al 0,48 As/InP HEMT with Maximum Frequency of Oscillation up to 323 GHz

Fedorov Yu. V., Scherbakova M. Yu., Gnatyuk D. L., Yaremenko N. G., Strahov V. A.


Protective composite screens made on the basis of hexaferrite nanopowders for decreasing the negative effect of high-frequency radiation

Kuleshov G. E., Suslyaev V. I.


An investigation of heterostructures based on large-gap material layers

Kazimirov A. I., Saharov Yu. V., Troyan P. E.


Surface nano-texturing of aluminum oxide ceramics with the use of laser and electron beams

Savruk E. V.


An influence analysis of technological process of the multilayered integrated circuits manufacturing with the use of low burning temperature ceramics on the stress-strain state simulation results of the onboard electronic equipment modules. Review

Ponomarev S. V., Suntsov S. B.


Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

The method of the spacecraft antenna system directivity pattern approximation by the terrestrial adjusting system signals

Voroshilin E. P., Mironov M. V.


The efficiency comparison of radio bearing estimation methods over rough terrain by using low directivity antennas

Mescheryakov A. A., Krutikov M. V., Kuprits V. Yu.


Estimation of suppression effect of the parasitic radiation of broadband spiral antenna by changing its arm width

Kuprits V. Yu., Mescheryakov A. A., Krutikov M. V.


Numerical simulation of stress-strain states of a low temperature jointly-burning ceramics module caused by thermal modes of onboard electronic equipment. Part 1. The problem statement. Preparations for the simulation

Alekseev V. P., Karaban V. M., Ponomarev S. V., Suntsov S. B.


Numerical simulation of stress-strain states of a low temperature jointly-burning ceramics module caused by thermal modes of onboard electronic equipment. Part 2. Numerical simulation

Alekseev V. P., Karaban V. M., Ponomarev S. V., Suntsov S. B.


An optimization algorithm of antennas heights in the star topology networks

Terehov A. V., Shurygin Yu. A.


Convergence of the consecutive approximation method in modeling nonlinear radio engineering de- vices. Part 1. The method of simple iteration

Nenashev A. V.


Trajectory dissipation of a sliding contact fractions

Deeva V. S.


Management, computer science and informatics

Pre-project design of personal data information systems as a stage of the information security audit

Mironova V. G., Shelupanov A. A.


Functional model of documentary maintenance of developments and management decision making

Goryunova E. S.


Distributed hard-and software monitoring complex for environmental radiation with a Web-based access

Hlebus E. A., Durnovtsev V. Ya.


A mathematical model of dichotomous classification of signs sequences and its engineering realization

Pisarenko L. A.


On the problem of wireless local networks design

Rudakov D. V., Komagorov V. P., Fofanov O. B.


Estimation methods of scientific publications based on analysis of the internet references to scientific portals

Silich V. A., Saveliev A. O., Marchukov A. V., Alekseev A. A.


Routing in wireless mobile Ad hoc networks

Vinokurov V. M., Pugovkin A. V., Pshennikov A. A., Usharova D. N., Filatov A. S.


A mathematical model of premises heat supply for automated control systems of energy saving technologies

Pugovkin A. V., Kuprekov S. V., Abushkin D. V., Zarechnaya I. A., Muslimova N. I.


An adaptive system scheme for messages filtering based on the method of precedent decision making

Rodin E. A.


The interpolation synthesis of automatic control systems’ regulators based on zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials

Goncharov V. I., Nguen F. D.


Generation of irreducible polynomials related by power dependence of the roots

Titov S. S., Torgashova A. V.


Application of the regressive interpolation in numerical methods for digital filters designing

Okishev A. S.


System of the transmitted speech quality estimation

Mescheryakov R. V.


The complexity index of controlled technological variables in the problems of automated control systems for metallurgical facilities

Krivolapova L. I., Kravtsova O. A.


A selection model of new ideas to be implemented in innovative business

Semiglazov A. M., Semiglazov V. A.


Mathematical modeling an advertising campaign

Semiglazov A. M., Semiglazov V. A., Ivanov K. I.


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 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

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 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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