Kokolov Andrey Aleksandrovich
- A technique for extraction of HEMT small signal model
- Computer-aided design of Ka-band two-stage coplanar MMIC amplifier
- Computer symbolic analysis and study of the signal characteristics of a microwave integrated transimpedance amplifier based on CMOS-transistors
- Construction and performance of modern MMIC based on GaAs and GaN
- Designing of Ka-band single-stage MMIC amplifier with use of CAD synthesis software tools
- Design of Ka-band coplanar MMIC amplifier with power combining
- Extraction technique of nonlinear EEHEMT model for heterostructure microwave field-effect transistors
- Investigation of MMIC Coplanar Elements
- Ka-band coplanar MMIC amplifiers based on 0.13 m GaAs mHEMT process
- Ka-band monolithic coplanar amplifier based on the domestic heterojunction GaAs foundry
- Microwave Office PDK development for designing MMICs based on domestic HEMT technology
- Power combining circuits for MMIC power amplifiers
- Review of mathematical models of microwave high electron mobility transistors
- Software for measurement automation, deembedding and small-signal FET model extraction
- The investigation of the nonlinear behavior of the drain resistance in GaN HEMT and GaAs pHEMT