Ka-band MMIC low noise amplifiers on GaAs pHEMT heterostructures

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Authors: Gnatyuk D. L., Fedorov Yu. V., Galiev G. B., Galiev R. R., Scherbakova M. Yu.

Annotation: Ka-band MMIC LNA development results are presented. A single sided δ-Si doped AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs P-HEMT heterostructure was optimized to provide zero gate bias operation and achieve the required microwave characteristics. The developed 75 nm gate process has allowed to manufacture base transistors with F t and F max up to 75 and 180 GHz, respectively. The investigations connected with the transistor topology optimized for Ka-Band low-noise amplifiers were performed. Nonlinear and noise models of the base transistors were developed. The LNA circuitry and topology were designed with the use of Microwave Office and ADS CAD software. The manufactured 3-stage MMIC LNAs have 18–20 dB gain and 2,5–3,3 dB noise figure within range of 37 to 44 GHz, with supply voltage of 2 V and supply current of 60 mA. Chi p size is 1,25x1,1 mm 2 . The designed MMIC LNAs have competitive performance compared to commercially available foreign analogues.

Keywords: mmic, lna, ka-band, рhemt

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