Design of non-precious metals GaAs pHEMT with submicron length T-shape gate

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Authors: Erofeev E. V., Kagadey V. A., Ishutkin S. V., Nosaeva K. S., Anischenko E. V., Arykov V. S.

Annotation: The design results of completely Cu-metalized GaAs pHEMT with Cu/Ge based ohmic contacts and 150 nm T-shape Ti/Mo/Cu gate are presented. The designed Cu-metalized pHEMT has a maximum drain current of 360 mA/mm, off-state gate-drain breakdown of 7 V, and transconductance maximum value of 320 mS/mm at V DS = 3V. The maximum stable gain value was about 15 dB at frequency 10 GHz. The current gain cut-off frequency of the copper metalized device was about 60 GHz at V ds = 3 V, and maximum frequency of oscillations was beyond 100 GHz.

Keywords: gaas, phemt, t-gate, ohmic contact

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