In 0,52 Al 0,48 As/In 0,53 Ga 0,47 As/In 0,52 Al 0,48 As/InP HEMT with Maximum Frequency of Oscillation up to 323 GHz

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Authors: Fedorov Yu. V., Scherbakova M. Yu., Gnatyuk D. L., Yaremenko N. G., Strahov V. A.

Annotation: A molecular-beam technology for isomorphic heterostructures In 0,52 Al 0,48 As/In 0,53 Ga 0,47 As/In 0,52 Al 0,48 As on InP substrates with carrier mobility μ Н = = 10640 cm 2 /Vs and DEG concentration n Н = 3,28∙10 12 cm 2 at Т = 300 о К has been developed. These heterostructures were used to manufacture HEMT, which have the gate length L g = 180 nm and two-sectional gate topology having the gate width W g = 2х30, 2х40, 2х60 and 2х80 μm, by means of electron beam lithography technique. The transistors exhibit transconductance G m =1000 mS/mm and maximum drain current density I d =800 mA/mm. The frequency dependencies of HEMT’s S-parameters were investigated within range of 0,01 to 67 GHz. Peak cut-off frequency F t and maximum frequency of oscillations F max were found versus W g . Parameters of the linear HEMT models for different W g are given, and parameters of «intrinsic» transistor model are found. As for the «intrinsic» transistor, it has been found the frequencies F t and F max to be maximal for HEMTs with W g =2х30 μm and equals to 150 GHz and 323 GHz, respectively. The obtained parameters of isomorphic heterostructures and HEMT on InP substrates are close to the stay-of-the art world standards for 180 nm gate length. As we know, the given results are firstly reported in Russia.

Keywords: hemt, inp substrate, isomorphic heterostructure, molecular-beam epitaxy

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