Dobush Igor Miroslavovich
- Automated synthesis of microwave LNA schematic and layout based on genetic algorithm
- Automated synthesis of microwave low-noise amplifiers using genetic algorithm and ideal impedance transformers
- Automation of on-wafer measurements of S-parameters and current-voltage curves with Indesys-MS software environment
- Computer-aided design of Ka-band two-stage coplanar MMIC amplifier
- Computer-aided design of MMIC low noise amplifier for GNSS receiver based on genetic algorithm
- Designing of Ka-band single-stage MMIC amplifier with use of CAD synthesis software tools
- Design of 30-37.5 GHz MMIC low noise amplifier based on GaAs pHEMT heterostructures
- Design of 3-20 GHz GaAs pHEMT MMIC low-noise amplifier using «Visual» CAD tools
- Design of X-band MMIC limiter
- Development of a scalable small-signal 0.1 µm GaAs-pHEMT-model for amplifier applications
- Experimental investigation and modeling of MMIC passive components by taking technological spread of parameters into account
- Extraction of external parameters of microwave FET small-signal model by hybrid technique
- Genetic-algorithm-based structural-parametric synthesis of microwave transistor amplifiers using MMIC element models
- INDESYS-MB software tool for model building of microwave monolithic integrated circuits ele- ments based on multidimensional polynomials
- Investigation of MMIC Coplanar Elements
- Investigation of «Open», «Open-Short», «Open-Short-Thru» de-embedding methods for on-wafer measurements of S-parameters of MMIC Elements
- Ka-band coplanar MMIC amplifiers based on 0.13 m GaAs mHEMT process
- Ka-band monolithic coplanar amplifier based on the domestic heterojunction GaAs foundry
- LNAs 1-2 GHz development using genetic algorithm based on software tool «Geneamp»
- Microwave Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor
- Parametric model construction of passive MMIC components using Extraction-P software tool
- Powerful AlGaN/GaN HEMT- transistors X- and Ku-band
- Review of designing principles and circuitry of MMIC limiters
- Scalable model building of a monolithic thin-film resistor based on RF measurement and electromagnetic simulation
- Software for data storage and statistical analysis in MMIC measurement automation system INDESYS-MS
- Software for measurement automation, deembedding and small-signal FET model extraction
- «Visual» design of microwave amplifiers with correction of one-ports taking into account the temperature effect on active and passive elements