Experimental investigation and modeling of MMIC passive components by taking technological spread of parameters into account

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Authors: Salnikov A. S., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I., Torhov N. A.

Annotation: There are presented the measured S-parameters of passive lumped MMIC components in coplanar implementation (particularly, a thin-film resistor, MDM capacitor and square spiral inductor) in the frequency range up to 40 GHz. Components were manufactured by domestic monolithic 0.3 µm GaN HEMT-technology on a sapphire substrate. Also, the extraction of equivalent circuits of passive MMIC components with using new analytical and combined techniques and software is demonstrated. On this basis, there is proposed and investigated a technique for constructing statistical models of passive microwave components by taking technological spread of parameters into account.

Keywords: mmic, component model, equivalent circuit, statistical analysis

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