Issue of Journal № 2, 2 part [26], 2012

List of articles

Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Formation of hybrid antenna pattern with active phased-array by the results of calibration in the far-field region

Vasin A. A., Ionin A. V., Isaev A. Yu.


Locating of the source of a radio passive radar by Markov nonlinear filtering

Uydanov P. V.


Study on filtering algorithms to determine the coordinates of an object by the signals of satellite navigation systems

Makarenko G. K., Aleshechkin A. M.


Ballistic and time maintenance of space vehicles in various orbits

Kartsan I. N., Zhukova E. S., Kartsan R. V.


Flight altitude estimation via calculation of spectral moments of the beat signal

Nesterov M. Yu., Muhin V. V., Makrushin A. P.


Lumped-element elliptic filters

Abrosimov A. A., Razinkin V. P.


L-band GaAs MMIC digital phase shifter

Barov A. A., Kondratenko A. V., Hohol D. S.


A comparison of quadrature methods for a solution of Hufford integral equation

Senchenko A. A., Salomatov Yu. P.


The research on the efficiency of an OFDM signal detection depending on preamble structure

Zagidullin Yu. T., Shichaev A. S.


Calculation of the reflection coefficient of a verification Beatty standard using time-frequency model

Savin A. A.


Use of the block LU factorization to speed up a computation of capacitance matrix in the range of dielectric permittivity: state of the art, new results and prospects of investigation

Surovtsev R. S., Salov V. K.


Monte Carlo simulation of elastic and inelastic scattering of an electron beam in gas

Zolotuhin D. B., Burdovitsin V. A.


Microwave characteristics of composite mixtures of nanosized powders of ferroelectrics and ferrites

Dotsenko O. A., Suslyaev V. I., Vagner D. V., Kochetkova O. A.


Working modes of photodetector device of quantum cryptography system

Zadorin A. S., Maksimov A. V., Mahorin D. A.


The holographic measurement system of nano scale movements of micro and macro objects

Romashko R. V., Efimov T. A., Asalhanova M. A.


Reconstruction of parameters of weak vibration fields by means of fast adaptive fiber-optic interferometer

Romashko R. V., Bezruk M. N., Kulchin Yu. N.


Micromechanical mass sensor with holographic interferometer

Romashko R. V., Efimov T. A.


Influence of the piezoelectric effect on the choice of optimal cut and polarization of reference wave for reading out the reflection hologram in Bi₁₂TiO₂₀ crystal

Shepelevich V. V., Navnyko V. N., Shandarov S. M.


The Mie scattering by core imperfections of graded-index fiber into guided and leaky mode

Konkin D. A., Dashin N. A., Kruglov R. S., Litvinov R. V.


Spectral dependences of the optical absorption in Bi12TiO20 and Bi12TiO20: Ca crystals induced by pulsed laser radiation with the wavelength of 532 nm

Dyu V. G., Rusyakina O. A., Akrestina A. S., Tolstik A. L., Agishev I. N.


Electro-optic modulators of laser radiation on the basis of high-resistance KTiOPO₄ crystals

Pargachyov I. A., Kuleshov Yu. V., Krakovskiy V. A., Serebrennikov L. Ya., Shandarov S. M., Tik A. A., Mandel A. E., Shvartsman G. I.


Industrial production of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic oxide crystals and the creation of devices based on them

Pargachyov I. A., Kuleshov Yu. V., Krakovskiy V. A., Serebrennikov L. Ya., Shandarov S. M., Tik A. A., Mandel A. E., Shvartsman G. I.


Parametric model construction of passive MMIC components using Extraction-P software tool

Goryainov A. E., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I.


Genetic-algorithm-based structural-parametric synthesis of microwave transistor amplifiers using MMIC element models

Kalentiev A. A., Garays D. V., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I.


Experimental investigation and modeling of MMIC passive components by taking technological spread of parameters into account

Salnikov A. S., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I., Torhov N. A.


LOCUS software tool for «visual» design of correcting and matching networks based on Indesys environment

Samuilov A. A.


«Visual» design of correction and matching networks for MMICs

Samuilov A. A., Babak L. I., Sheerman F. I.


Extraction of external parameters of microwave FET small-signal model by hybrid technique

Stepacheva A. V., Dobush I. M.


Physical simulation of GaN/AlGaN HEMT-heterostructures and power microwave transistors using Synopsys software

Torhov N. A., Babak L. I., Bozhkov V. G., Razzhuvalov A. N., Salnikov A. S.


An Overview of RF Power Amplifier Digital Predistortion Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems

Nair M., Giofrè R., Piazzon L., Colantonio P.


Optical sensors for ammonia detection based on multilayer biopolymer coatings with immobilized pH dye

Voznesenskiy S. S., Sergeev A. A., Mironenko A. Yu., Bratskaya S. Yu., Nepomnyaschiy A. V.


Thermal analysis of LED matrix in the visible range with silicone fill and phosphor

Voropaev M. V., Karimbaev D. D., Hotnenok Yu. A., Kohanenko A. P., Harenkov V. A.


The study of spectrum dependence of the absorption coefficient in sillenite crystals subjected to annealing

Hudyakova E. S., Grebenchukov A. N., Kisteneva M. G., Kargin Yu. F.


Processing technique of reception of electroconducting ITO films of a high optical transparency with low value of per-unit-area resistance

Zhidik Yu. S., Troyan P. E.


The modification of Mn-Zn- ferrite surface by a low-energy electron beam

Savruk E. V., Smirnov S. V., Klimov A. S.


Fabrication of microrelief by electron beam lithography and contact photolithography

Grebneva Yu. Yu., Danilina T. I., Moshkina A. V., Chistoedova I. A.


Modelling of sedimentation process on complex profiles

Danilina T. I., Skotnikov N. V.


The cleaning method for nanostructures of integrated circuits

Fedin I. V., Erofeev E. V.


Electron-beam synthesis of zirconia ceramics

Kazakov A. V., Klimov A. S., Zenin A. A.


Zinc oxygen chemical current source

Shkarupo S. P.


Management, computer science and informatics

Visualization of decision-making processes

Berestneva O. G., Volovodenko V. A.


The structure and functions of an automated project management system for the centers of scientific and technical creativity of students

Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha T. V., Gandzha V. V., Panov S. A.


Meta data of engineering infrastructure of an electronic master plan

Rychagov M. M.


The software architecture of workflow part of information technology and the formation of electronic monitoring master plan

Lazarev I. V.


User activity monitoring software for web-based geographic information system

Milihin M. M.


Mining spatio-temporal data of the engineering infrastructure

Golubeva A. A.


The development of the control system for the rotary x-ray complex

Pavlenko A. L., Boev P. S., Fedotov N. M.



Surgical equipment for search of arrhythmogenic sources by multichannel epicardial mapping

Fedotov N. M., Larionov D. Yu., Zharyy S. V., Oferkin A. I., Shelupanov A. A.


The integration method the data rotating X-ray and electrical location systems for visualization of anatomical structures of the heart and the surgical tool

Fedotov N. M., Oferkin A. I., Shelupanov A. A.


Technology of construction, setting and adjusting of a high-precision multi-coordinate, electromechatronic system of positioning

Osipov O. Yu., Shepelenko M. G., Vsemoguschiy S. V.


Methodology of multycoordinate electromechatronics systems of motion designing

Osipov Yu. M., Zaychenko T. N., Shepelenko M. G., Scherbinin S. V.


Multistage queueing model of the distributed data processing system

Grachev V. V., Moiseev A. N., Nazarov A. A., Yampolskiy V. Z.


An analysis of situations in telecommunication network by using of semantic technologies

Grachev V. V., Razin V. V., Tuzovskiy A. F.


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Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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