Physical simulation of GaN/AlGaN HEMT-heterostructures and power microwave transistors using Synopsys software

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Authors: Torhov N. A., Babak L. I., Bozhkov V. G., Razzhuvalov A. N., Salnikov A. S.

Annotation: Possibilities of the software tool Sentaurus TCAD Synopsys for physical simulation of HEMTnanoheterostructures and microwave transistors are described and investigated. Simulation results of various AlGaN/GaN HEMT-nanoheterostructure constructions with two-dimensional electron gas as well as high-power microwave transistors based on these heterostructures are presented. The ways for improving characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMT-heterostructures and devices are shown. The simulation results are confirmed by experimental measurement of produced test GaN HEMT-transistors with a gate length of 1 micron.

Keywords: gan/algan, hemt-nanoheterostructure, construction, microwave characteristics, iv characteristics, physical simulation, sentaurus tcad synopsys

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