Dmitriev Vyacheslav Mihaylovich
- Architecture of multiuser simulation environment MARS
- Automatic system On-line design
- Automation of group design training process
- Block-component circuit method and its prospects in computer modeling of chemical-engineering systems
- Construction of computer models of industrial production facilities oil and gas
- Defining parameters of a regulator using multilevel computer model
- Generator of component models of the material circuits based on interactive mathematic panels
- Interface of visual instruments and devices with a universal X-Mega controller
- Methods of organizing the table of technical meetings
- Method to construct multilevel component chains for modeling chemical-technological systems
- Modeling scenarios to control dynamic objects based on the graphical language X-Robot
- Multilevel modeling of physical and technical problems (on the example of the task of modeling forces on the rod of a sucker rod pump)
- Organization of an educational computer experiment in multi-level modeling system MARS
- Principles of design and implementation of automated educational and methodical complex technical subjects
- Structure and tasks of interactive tutorial on the course «Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering»
- System of imaging and control architecture environment multilevel modeling
- The concept of LARM on ARM architecture
- The structure and functions of an automated project management system for the centers of scientific and technical creativity of students
- Voltammetric system for the analysis of chemical solutions on multilevel computer models