Block-component circuit method and its prospects in computer modeling of chemical-engineering systems

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Authors: Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha T. V., Ushakov A. O.

Annotation: The article considers the possibility of developing models for chemical industry devices using the block-component circuit method. It is assumed that the developed models will replicate the functionality and the behavior of real devices used in chemi-cal industry during the chemical-technological process. Through the use of heterogeneous vector connections, the block-component circuit method (BCM) allows creating models for various complex chemical-technological systems, including devices where complex physicochemical and mass-exchange processes occur. The development of such models can help in optimizing and automating the operation of devices used in chemical industry. In addition, the models of chemical devices developed on the basis of the block-component circuit method can be used to teach or train operators of process plants when simulating various scenarios of industrial equipment operation. The paper presents the schemes and the algorithms of the de-veloped conditional object-block of the chemical-technological system used to create models in MARS (Modeling and Auto-matic Research of Systems) environment to automate the mod-eling of chemical-technological processes, taking into account the impacts exerted on the object.

Keywords: automation, modeling and analysis, block-component circuit method, chemical industry, chemical apparatus

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