Multilevel modeling of physical and technical problems (on the example of the task of modeling forces on the rod of a sucker rod pump)

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Authors: Kochergin M. I., Torgaeva D. S., Suhorukov M. P., Dmitriev V. M., Shurygin Yu. A.

Annotation: The article discusses the features of modeling physical and technical problems, formulates criteria for their effective modeling in instrumental environments. A brief analysis of software tools for modeling research problems of complex dynamic objects (as a superclass of physical and technical problems) is carried out. The provisions of the developed approach for multilevel computer modeling of physical and technical problems within the framework of the formalism of the multilevel component circuit method are described. The features and capabilities of this approach are demonstrated by the example of the task of modeling forces on a polished rod of a sucker rod pump for oil production.

Keywords: computer simulation, component circuit method, multi-level modeling, modeling environment, sucker rod pump

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