Computer-aided design of MMIC low noise amplifier for GNSS receiver based on genetic algorithm

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Authors: Kalentiev A. A., Dobush I. M., Babak L. I., Garays D. V., Goryainov A. E.

Annotation: The design of 1.2-1.8 GHz 0.15 μm GaAs pHEMT MMIC low noise amplifier for GNSS receiver is presented. LNA is designed with using a software tool gMatch that provides the synthesis of matching and compensation networks (MCNs) based on genetic algorithm (GA). An approach to the structural and parametrical GA-based MCN synthesis is briefly described. The abilities of gMatch tool, amplifier design flow, and MMIC LNA performances are considered.

Keywords: gnss receiver, low noise amplifier, phemt, matching and compensation networks, synthesis, genethic algorithm

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