Development of a set of X-band MMIC low-noise amplifiers based on 0.15 m GaAs pHEMT tech- nology

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Authors: Mokerov V. G., Babak L. I., Fedorov Yu. V., Cherkashin M. V., Sheerman F. I., Bugaev A. S., Kuznetsov A. L., Gnatyuk D. L.

Annotation: The results of designing and fabrication of the Russian first set of 2- and 3-stage X-band MMIC lownoise amplifiers (LNAs), which are based on 0,15 m pHEMT GaAs technology, are presented. The amplifiers cover the frequency range from 6 GHz to 12 GHz with the gain of 20±1 (28±1) dB and have the noise figure of 1.4 (1.6) dB, respectively. The use of interactive “visual” techniques and corresponding software tools allows to implement the fast and high-performance LNA design.

Keywords: mmic, technology, phemt, low-noise amplifier, x-band, automatized synthesis, visual design

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