Issue of Journal № 2, 2 part [24], 2011

List of articles

Nanoelectronics. Nanotechnology. Photonics. Physical and plasma electronics

Nanocarbon Structures acquisition from Hydrocarbon Gas in Microwave Discharge Plazma

Antipov V. B., Medvedev Yu. V., Firsov S. A., Tsyganok Yu. I.


MMIC’s иroadband switches and limiters with heterostructured GaAs pin-diodes

Yuschenko A. Yu., Ayzenshtat G. I., Monastyrev E. A., Bozhkov V. G.


Construction and performance of modern MMIC based on GaAs and GaN

Kokolov A. A., Cherkashin M. V.


Power combining circuits for MMIC power amplifiers

Kokolov A. A., Babak L. I.


On the making of scalable noise model of GaAs MHEMT with Lg of 50 to 250 nm

Mihaylovich S. V., Fyodorov Yu. V., Bugaev A. S., Galiev R. R., Yachmenyov A. E., Scherbakova M. Yu.


Microwave characteristics of composite radio materials оn the basis of polymer and carbon structures

Dotsenko O. A., Suslyaev V. I., Kuznetsov V. L., Mazov I. N., Kochetkova O. A.


Thermal stability of base metal Cu/Ge metallized GaAs pHEMT

Erofeev E. V., Kazimirov A. I., Kagadey V. A.


Methods of calculating heat transfer in light-emitting diodes based on GaN

Romanovskiy M. N., Ehanin S. G.


Production of periodic Y-Al2O3 nanostructures using intense laser radiation

Savruk E. V.


The temperature dependence of emission spectra of white LEDs on basis of gallium nitride and its solid solutions

Smirnov S. V., Savruk E. V., Goncharova Yu. S.


Electromagnetic characteristics of composite radio materials with nanosize and nanostructure fillers

Suslyaev V. I., Dotsenko O. A., Kuznetsov V. L., Mazov I. N., Kochetkova O. A.


Fabrication of micro-relief surfaces in anti-reflection coatings in order to enhance the external quantum efficiency of dark blue light-emitting diodes based on GaN

Danilina T. I., Troyan P. E., Chistoedova I. A.


The formation of copper germanium alloys by the low temperature atomic hydrogen treatment

Kazimirov A. I., Erofeev E. V., Kagadey V. A.


The calculation heat-removing and substrate coat for the process of creation light-emitting diodes

Zhidik Yu. S., Troyan P. E., Karimbaev D. D.


Research of silicon dioxide porous films

Saharov Yu. V., Troyan P. E.


Optimization of thermal conditions in the construction of optical devices based on semiconductor light sources

Astahov A. A., Karimbaev D. D., Misyunas A. O., Hristyukov V. G.


«Visual» design of microwave amplifiers with correction of one-ports taking into account the temperature effect on active and passive elements

Dobush I. M., Cherkashin M. V., Babak L. I.


Software for measurement automation, deembedding and small-signal FET model extraction

Dobush I. M., Stepacheva A. V., Kokolov A. A., Salnikov A. S., Babak L. I.


Design of W-band MMIC Amplifier

Cherkashin M. V.


Growth and single-domain state of KTP crystals

Kuleshov Yu. V., Krakovskiy V. A., Serebrennikov L. Ya., Tik A. A., Pugovkin A. V., Shvartsman G. I.


Electro-optic modulators of laser radiation on the basis of high-resistance KTP crystals

Pargachyov I. A., Serebrennikov L. Ya., Mandel A. E., Krakovskiy V. A., Shandarov S. M., Shvartsman G. I.


Growing and electro physical properties of GTR-KTP crystals

Pargachyov I. A., Kuleshov Yu. V., Krakovskiy V. A., Serebrennikov L. Ya., Mandel A. E., Shandarov S. M., Pugovkin A. V., Shvartsman G. I.


Pyroelectric compensation of a light beam diffraction in lithium niobate crystals

Parhanyuk A. N., Markin A. O., Shandarov V. M., Feng C., Markin A. O.


Investigation of planar Zn:LiNbO3 waveguide resistance to optical radiation with a wavelength of 532 nm

Smychkov S. A., Borodin M. V., Scherbina V. V.


Investigation of possible longitudinal optical modulation of one-dimensional photorefractive photonic lattices in lithium nicbate

Trenihin P. A., Shandarov V. M., Feng C.


Research of methods of control electron emission out of lithium niobate in thermocycling

Orlikov L. N., Romanov V. Ya., Arestov S. I., Shandarov S. M.


Code generation rate in quantum key distribution system

Zadorin A. S., Maksimov A. V., Mahorin D. A., Chechulin S. O., Malikov A. A.


Observation and analysis of photoluminescence spectra under the optical pumping from single quantum well structure Cd0,24Hg0,76Te with the width 12,5 nm in the range of wavelength 2,5–6 μm

Voytsehovskiy A. V., Gorn D. I., Izhnin I. I.


The high-speed video registrator with the use of «system on a crystal» based on PLD of architecture FPGA

Postoev A. I., Soloviev A. A., Iordan V. I.


Light-emitting diode structures of InGaN/GaN grown by the method of metal organic chemical vapor deposition

Romanov I. S., Marmalyuk A. A., Voytsehovskiy A. V., Kohanenko A. P.


Application of the modified function of a hyperbolic tangent for approximation LED's I-V characteristics

Antonishen I. V., Koh A. I., Tuev V. I., Yuzhanin M. V.


Features of functioning of plasma electron source at high pressures

Klimov A. S., Zhigalkina A. S., Burdovitsin V. A.


Distribution of current density on the cross section of electron beam in forevacuum

Yushkov Yu. G., Oks E. M., Medovnik A. V., Burdovitsin V. A.


Energy performance of LEDs and LED lamps

Pugovkin A. V., Stepnoy V. S., Antonova A. Yu., Eremich M. A.


Typical architectural decisions of geoinformation systems for supporting engineering infrastructure of an enterprise

Gritsenko Yu. B., Zhukovskiy O. I.


Typology of engineering networks and classification of problems of their operation

Zhukovskiy O. I., Gritsenko Yu. B.


Mathematical model for estimation of the generalized indicators of activity quality of homogeneous object system

Karminskaya T. D., Kovalev V. Z., Tsiporin P. I.


Implementation of the protocol IEEE 802.16 WiMAX, based on event-driven architecture

Bortnikov E. V., Boychenko I. V.


Adaptive system of identification applied to stochastic models of industrial processes

Korikov A. M., Sergeev V. L., Sevostyanov D. V., Sergeev P. V., Anikanov A. S.


Development of semantic digital libraries

Le H., Tuzovskiy A. F.


Computer vision system for robot soccer

Belobryuhov M. S., Romanenko A. V.


The analysis of the problem of structurally-parametrical synthesis automation

Akimov S. V.


Using of UniTESK technology for service-oriented system testing

Nemerov A. A., Boychenko I. V.


Software for data storage and statistical analysis in MMIC measurement automation system INDESYS-MS

Salnikov A. S., Dobush I. M., Karataev E. P.


The method of determining the thermal conductivity of dielectric layers for visible LED matrix

Voropaev M. V., Karimbaev D. D., Hotnenok Yu. A., Kohanenko A. P.


Quasi-linearization methods considering higher derivatives in the problem of parametric identification of automated control system for nuclear reactor

Okishev A. S.


Automated system of registration of thermal energy for every apartment

Muslimova N. I., Usharova D. N., Egorov A. V., Kuprekov S. V., Pugovkin A. V.


Wireless fire alarm system with the use of ZigBee and GSM technologies

Samoylov D. O., Semenov V. D., Upaev A. B., Fedotov V. A.


Improvement in safety of formant method of text dependent verification of a speaker by a new method of segmentation of speech signal

Ruchay A. N.


The method of constructing algorithms for primality testing natural numbers for the objectives of information security

Kruchinin D. V., Kruchinin V. V.


Revealing of electromagnetic channels of leak of a speech in-formation in a near zone on the basis of test correlation methods

Kurshin M. L., Trushin V. A.


Algorithm of development and usage of the personal data information systems

Varlataya S. K., Belyov A. V., Shiryaev S. V.


Engineering of the network management system

Ishakov S. Yu., Shelupanov A. A.


Investigation of data privacy protection on Oracle data base use

Dodohov A. L., Sabanov A. G.


About requirements to electronic interaction authentication

Sabanov A. G.


Improvement of the estimation system of project portfolio performance in design and exploration work due to information system implementation and usage of complex estimation method

Grebenschikov S. A., Silich V. A., Fofanov O. B., Komagorov V. P.


The analysis of process of human evacuation by fuzzy timed Petri nets

Gritsenko Yu. B., Golubeva A. A.


The automated program system of enterprise business-processes control: tasks, description, structu

Kataev M. Yu., Emelyanenko A. A., Emelyanenko V. A., Pyak P. A., Ukolov R. I., Kriventsov D. M.


Implementation of medical data collection and analysis system for a management center

Kopanitsa G. D., Silich V. A.


The principles of information system construction to support decision making in selecting the type of geological and technical actions at the oil producing well

Silich V. A., Komagorov V. P., Saveliev A. O., Alekseev A. A.


Estimation of intervals in maintenance support of technical systems based on the model of semi-Markov process

Kopytov E. Yu., Lyubchenko A. A.


Object-oriented design of a measurement information system for radiation control and meteorological observing

Hlebus E. A.


The analysis of program-technological decisions of information-analytical support of management of social and economic development of territorial formations

Senchenko P. V., Sidorov A. A.


Internet platform for the promotion of applied software

Baraksanov D. N.


The usage of ontology method in creating e-learning content

Krechetov I. A., Kruchinin V. V.


Virtual assistant for the student in e-learning system

Romanenko V. V.


Automatic system On-line design

Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha V. V.


Tasks and architecture of documentation subsystem in multi-level modeling environment MARS

Gandzha T. V., Panov S. A.


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 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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