Electromagnetic characteristics of composite radio materials with nanosize and nanostructure fillers

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Authors: Suslyaev V. I., Dotsenko O. A., Kuznetsov V. L., Mazov I. N., Kochetkova O. A.

Annotation: The results of measurements of electromagnetic characteristics of composites are presented: methylmethacrylate (PMMA) + multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT); PMMA + nanopowders of M-, W-, Z- hexaferrite; PMMA + MWCNT+ nanopowders of M-, W-, Z- hexaferrite. The composites containing MWCNT have frequency dependence of dielectric permittivity. Adding of ferrite in nano-powder composites leads to stabilizing of dielectric permittivity. The results can be used for calculation of devices of a microwave range.

Keywords: permittivity, permeability, composite radio materials, hexaferrities, mwcnt, shf

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