Design of W-band MMIC Amplifier

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Authors: Cherkashin M. V.

Annotation: Design of W-band MMIC low-noise amplifier (LNA) based on 0.15 um GaAs pHEMT PL1510 process from Win Semiconductors (Taiwan) are presented. Software tools AMP, REGION and LOCUS based on interactive visual design synthesis methods were used for amplifier designing. MMIC LNA provides follow parameters: frequency range: Δf = 68–76 GHz; power gain: G = 10±1 dB, input and output return losses: |s11| = |s22| ≤ –12 dB; noise figure: NF ≤ 5 dB; linear output power: Pout1dB ≥ 11 dBm.

Keywords: gaas phemt mmic, w-band low-noise amplifier, visual design

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