Microwave characteristics of composite radio materials оn the basis of polymer and carbon structures

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Authors: Dotsenko O. A., Suslyaev V. I., Kuznetsov V. L., Mazov I. N., Kochetkova O. A.

Annotation: In the paper there are given the results of research on frequency dependences of permittivity of composite radio materials on the basis of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) in polymer matrix with different weight concentration. The measurements are completed on microwave by resonator method. We compared the weight concentration of MWCNT and graphite powder for composites with equal values of permittivity. It’s shown that for achievement of equal values of graphite powder permittivity it is required 10–20 times more.

Keywords: permittivity, composite radio materials, percolation, mwcnt, microwave

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