On the making of scalable noise model of GaAs MHEMT with Lg of 50 to 250 nm

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Authors: Mihaylovich S. V., Fyodorov Yu. V., Bugaev A. S., Galiev R. R., Yachmenyov A. E., Scherbakova M. Yu.

Annotation: The precise technology of 50 nm GaAs MHEMT has been developed along with the method for making of scalable small-signal equivalent circuits and noise models of MHEMT with Ft up to 300 GHz. The simulation results are given in comparison with S-parameters and noise figure measurements for T-gate widths of 2x30 up to 2x80 um and lengths of 50 to 250 nm.

Keywords: mhemt, small-signal model, noise model, noise figure

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