Issue of Journal № 2, 2 part [22], 2010

List of articles

Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Estimation of signal arrival time difference with the use of multi-position passive satellite system

Gromov V. A., Voroshilin E. P., Mironov M. V.


The enhancement of positioning accuracy by the range difference method with the use of multiposition low-orbit passive small satellite system

Voroshilin E. P., Mironov M. V., Gromov V. A., Sharygin G. S.


The calculation of base station coverage area for optimization of cell structure of communication networks

Egorov L. L., Kologrivov V. A., Melihov M. V.


The modified method for calculation of base stations coverage area while planning the cellular net- works

Egorov L. L.


Experimental estimates of the radiowaves attenuation caused by winter deciduous forest

Geltser A. A., Kuznetsova N. A.


A method for downhole telemetry data transmission without generator

Stepnoy V. S.


Experimental estimation of accuracy enhancement of signal delay measurement in ground-based radio-monitoring multichannel processing systems

Vershinin A. S., Voroshilin E. P., Denisov V. P.


Decision-making for results of microelectronic devices inspection

Nomokonova N. N., Pivovarov D. S., Almina N. A.


Scattering of the plane electromagnetic wave by thin dielectric cylinder

Dmitrenko A. G., Goltsvart E. P.


The test of 3D electromagnetic simulation with dual-mode waveguide filter as an example

Kolegov A. N., Uzolin E. Yu.


The test-bed for measurement of the amplitude-phase distribution of a current along wire and study of the electric field structure near wire space

Voropaev O. S., Goshin G. G.


Quality factor of a spherical radiator

Zapasnoy A. S., Belichenko V. P.


Planar optical waveguides Zn: LiNbO 3 for an integrated and nonlinear optics

Anisimov D. O., Borodin M. V., Pechenkin A. Yu., Smychkov S. A., Halikulova S. F., Scherbina V. V.


Dynamics of photoinduced light absorption in sillenite crystals exposed to picosecond pulse radiation

Kisteneva M. G., Akrestina A. S., Sivun D. O., Kiselev R. V., Shandarov S. M., Smirnov S. V., Tolstik A. L., Agishev I. N., Stankevich A. V., Kargin Yu. F.


The amplitude characteristic of an adaptive holographic interferometer

Kolegov A. A., Shandarov S. M., Kargin Yu. F.


Application of spiral beams for defectoscopy and nondestructive testing

Malov A. N., Pavlov P. V., Borodin A. N., Sychevskiy A. V.


Polarization properties of reflection hologram recorded in electro-optic photorefractive crystal

Navnyko V. N., Shepelevich V. V., Shandarov S. M.


Spatial self-action of coherent light beams in the photorefractive Fabry-Perot interferometer

Perin A. S., Kozlova S. M., Shandarov V. M.


Linear and nonlinear diffraction of the light beams in photorefractive photonic lattices and superlattices in lithium niobate

Trenihin P. A., Kozorezov D. A., Haunhorst K., Kip D., Shandarova K. V., Shandarov V. M.


Transformation of amplitude and polarization properties of light beams by non-uniform electrocontrolled PDLC holographic structures

Ustyuzhanin S. V., Sharangovich S. N.


Controlled sources of ion flux

Orlikov L. N., Orlikov N. L., Arestov S. I., Shandarov S. M.


Development of rotational X-ray machine with a circular holder for rapid generation of the 3D heart images

Fedotov N. M., Oferkin A. I., Buller A. I., Larionov D. Yu., Razumov A. Yu.


Increase of power efficiency of independent photo-electric power installations

Shinyakov Yu. A., Shurygin Yu. A., Arkatova O. E.


Methods for enhancement of information ability of fluoroscopic images while performing catheter operations for treatment for cardiac arrhythmias

Fedotov N. M., Zharyy S. V., Oferkin A. I.


Development of the method and device for evaluation of hematological and immune parameters of human organism

Zhoglo E. V., Aristov A. A., Rafalskiy A. S.


Development of a high frequency current generator for radiofrequency catheter ablations

Shkarupo S. P., Koblosh A. S.


An approach to development of the generalized technological model for decision of incorrect problems in satellites motion determination based on measurements of current navigation parameters

Bayramov K. R.


Trajectory planning based on configuration stratified spaces for technological laser complex

Scherbinin S. V., Komzolov S. V.


Multi-coordinate electro-mechatronic manipulators of technological equipment

Osipov Yu. M., Vologdin B. Ya.


Devices for amplitude control of powerful unipolar pulses

Titov A. A., Maksimov A. V., Pitchenko S. N.


Suppression of intermode group velocity dispersion of guided modes of microstructured optical fibers based on polymethylmethacrylate by the self-phase modulation

Konkin D. A., Surkova G. A., Mihnov S. A., Shibelgut A. A., Yurkov E. S., Litvinov R. V., Zadorin A. S.


Operation mode characteristics of pulse generator based on 3А762 type Gann diodes

Pushkarev V. P., Titov A. A., Yurchenko V. I.


Simulation of pipeline damages while its sounding by subnanosecond pulses

Avdochenko B. I.


Full compensation of the intermodal dispersion in optical fibers with Kerr effect

Mihnov S. A., Litvinov R. V., Konkin D. A., Shibelgut A. A., Surkova G. A., Zadorin A. S.


Mechanisms of the intermodal interaction in microstructured polymer optical fiber with equivalent graded-index profile

Surkova G. A., Konkin D. A., Bachmann A.


Phase conjugation of light wave at degenerate four-wave mixing in nano-colloidal system

Mihnov S. A., Litvinov R. V., Yurkov E. S., Konkin D. A., Zadorin A. S.


Modal filter with TVS-array for Fast Ethernet network protection

Zabolotskiy A. M., Gazizov T. R., Samotin I. E.


Design of structure and manufacturing technology of modal filters for Fast Ethernet network

Kuznetsova-Tadzhibaeva O. M., Zherebtsova L. N., Pospelov V. V., Drozdov D. V., Samotin I. E., Zabolotskiy A. M., Gazizov T. R., Ponomarev S. V.


Damping of pulse signals in modal filters with high face coupling

Samotin I. E.


А recognition criterion of fine details in noisy images

Say S. V., Sorokin N. Yu., Say I. S.


The application of Okumura-Hata and Vvedensky models for calculations of the field strength of DVB-T television transmitters

Popov A. S.


To specification of the signal/noise ratio estimation in television sensor based on CCD matrix

Pustynskiy I. N., Zaytseva E. V.


A technique for measurement of internal resistance of chemical power sources

Antonishen I. V., Tuev V. I., Yuzhanin M. V.


DC-20 GHz GaAs MMIC variable attenuator

Barov A. A., Kondratenko A. V., Hohol D. S.


An optimization algorithm of antennas heights in the star topology networks

Terehov A. V., Shurygin Yu. A.


Estimation of water structure changes caused by external impacts by the permittivity spectra measured at microwaves

Suslyaev V. I., Pavlova A. A.


Plane multi-layered structures of conjugate chiral meta-materials

Fisanov V. V.


Clarifying and reflecting nanodimension coverings for semiconductor light sources

Goncharova Yu. S.


A broadband radiator of acoustic waves based on the modulation principle of one-electrode flare discharge

Bochkarev N. N., Gavrilenko S. M.


Diagnostics of trunk pipeline vibrations in control systems of objects movement inside pipeline

Bochkarev N. N., Kurochkin A. A., Andreev M. I.


The acoustic chamber for hearing check

Mescheryakov R. V., Sizov A. G., Vlachere E., Caplat M., Litvak M. M.


Management, computer science and informatics

Digital registration and processing of laser images

Malov A. N., Onatskiy A. N.


The use of semantic technologies for social networks creation

Tuzovskiy A. F., Cherniy A. V.


Method of creation of semantic document metadata using semantic networks, frame models and fre- quency characteristics

Gubin M. Yu., Razin V. V., Tuzovskiy A. F.


Adaptive dynamic systems for identification and control under uncertainty

Korikov A. M., Sergeev V. L., Sergeev P. V., Sevostyanov D. V., Anikanov A. S.


A review of semantic search approaches

Nguen B. N., Tuzovskiy A. F.


An analysis of situations with the use of semantic technologies

Razin V. V., Tuzovskiy A. F.


The use of supercomputers for acceleration filtration process based on 3D geological and hydrodynamic models of oil and gas fields

Volodin E. M., Zaharova A. A.


Hardware effective algorithm for mark formation of the data transmission beginning

Fayzullin I. R., Fayzullin R. T.


Ensuring of information protection in the medical biometric data processing

Shelupanov A. A., Zykov V. D., Mescheryakov R. V., Romanov A. S.


An information system for access rights distribution based on analysis of business-processes

Pestunova T. M., Rodionova Z. V.


Approaches to automation of information-analytical support of management by social and economic development of territorial formations

Gritsenko Yu. B., Zhukovskiy O. I., Sidorov A. A.


Designing a conceptual information model of knowledge domain using the analysis of the object attributes’ domains in terms of relational data model

Osipova V. V., Chudinov I. L.


The opponent strategy estimation

Pincher D. V., Tokarev V. L.


Principles of design and implementation of automated educational and methodical complex technical subjects

Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha T. V., Gandzha V. V.


A data exchange component in the structure of model-measurement complex

Busygin A. A.


Automated control system of power-conditioning equipment for spacecraft’s power systems

Kremzukov Yu. A., Rulevskiy V. M., Shinyakov Yu. A., Tsvetkov M. N.


Structure and tasks of interactive tutorial on the course «Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering»

Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha T. V., Volzhanskaya Ya. A.


Using BPEL and formats Office Open XML to automate the document workflow management in healthcare

Fam T. V., Ponomarev A. A.


Universal check algorithm for natural language texts

Mitsel A. A., Poguda A. A.


Neural system for prediction properties of swabs grout

Golovanov S. A., Zamyatin N. V.


Electronic nail heaters control for implementation of method of local hyperthermia and its experimental verification

Kobzev A. V., Semenov V. D., Pahmurin D. O., Litvinov A. V., Hutornoy A. Yu., Uchaev V. N.


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  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

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 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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