Romanov Aleksandr Sergeevich
- Application of machine learning methods and feature selection based on a genetic algorithm in solving the problem of determining the authorship of a Russian-language text for cybersecurity
- Assessing the impact of obfuscation on the process of identifying the author of a program code
- Authorship identification technique on basis of support vector machine
- Development of a methodology for identifying the authorship of binary and disassembled program codes based on an ensemble of modern natural language processing methods
- Ensuring of information protection in the medical biometric data processing
- Generalized authorship identification technique
- Intelligent System Architecture for Identification of the Source Code Author
- Methodology to determine the age of the text’s author based on readability and lexical diversity metrics
- Modeling the neural network architecture to identify the author of the source code
- Plagiarism detection and text homogeneity checking technique based on one-class support machine and fast correlation-based filter
- Semantic clustering technique to identify the signs of extremism in text information
- The architecture of software for authorship attribution techniques research