List of articles

Radio engineering and communication

Plane-wave transmission through an interface between conjugated Tellegen media

Fisanov V. V.


Measurement systems for the analysis of distortions caused by the passage band signals through nonlin- ear devices

Voronin N. N., Abramenko A. Yu., Goshin G. G.


The influence of multipath on the accuracy of estimation of the time difference of signal arrival for propagation paths «Earth – satellite»

Mironov M. V., Mescheryakov A. A., Sharygin G. S., Suslova N. A., Rogozhnikov E. V., Firsov V. V.


The amplitude synthesis of antenna array radiation pattern with controlled side lobes distribution law

Layko K. A., Filimonova Yu. O.


Test equipment for autonomous navigation system of space vehicles

Krat N. M., Savin A. A., Sharygin G. S.


Mathematic modeling of statistical characteristics of Doppler frequency shift radio signal in nonstationary ionospheric channel

Ageeva E. T., Afanasiev N. T., Kim D. C., Mihaylov N. I.


Parameter sets of the uniform coupled transmission lines with unbalanced electromagnetic coupling

Sychev A. N., Struchkov S. M.


Physical model of the transformer toroidal structure as the magnetic field emitter

Bychkov S. A., Shkorkin V. V.


TV meter of cloud characteristics

Zuev S. V., Krasnenko N. P., Levikin V. A.


A nanosecond resolution TV measuring system

Boronenko M. P., Gulyaev P. Yu.


The possibility of realization a linear mode of photon counting by avalanche photodiode S8664-05K at room temperature

Mahorin D. A., Galiev A. B., Zadorin A. S.


Way of analyzing electromagnetic radiation of rocks to detect precursors of geodynamic events

Bombizov A. A.


The induction heating of a copper wire in the gap for stripping electrical insulation

Kalinin R. G., Semenov V. D., Fedotov V. A.


Statistical research of the measuring the frequency by coincidence method

Laptev D. V., Pasynkov Yu. A.


The permittivity and the conductivity of composite materials based on carbon nanostructures

Kuleshov G. E., Suslyaev V. I.


Modeling and research of antireflection coatings on RKTP crystals

Kotin A. S., Murzakmatov E. B.


Qualitative and quantitative analysis of silicon nitride films using by IR spectroscopy

Kutkov I. V., Pehtelev M. I.


Simulating of etching process using «NEMO etching» software

Muhamadeev R. A., Danilina T. I.


Transparent conductive coatings with controlled values of light transmittance and surface resistance

Troyan P. E., Saharov Yu. V., Zhidik Yu. S.


Field effect transistor with submicron T-shaped Schottky gate fabricated by using sidewall dielectric

Stepanenko M. V., Arykov V. S., Yuschenko A. M., Plotnikova A. Yu., Ishutkin S. V.


The development of slot via holes fabrication technology in GaAs substrate with use of TCAD

Stepanenko M. V., Arykov V. S., Yuschenko A. M., Plotnikova A. Yu.


Optoelectronics and photonics

Hybrid Bragg fibers

Kulchin Yu. N., Zinin Yu. A.


Adaptive multichannel fiber-optic interferometer for detection of ultrasonic waves in solid objects

Romashko R. V., Bezruk M. N., Ermolaev S. A., Krishnasvami S.


Methods of deterministic changes in the mass of the oscillator

Ermolaev S. A., Romashko R. V., Efimov T. A., Nepomnyaschiy A. V., Bezruk M. N.


Linear photogalvanic current excited in sillenite crystals by femtosecond laser pulses

Romashko R. V., Grachev A. I., Kamshilin A. A., Golik S. S., Kulchin Yu. N.


Autocorrelator of femtosecond laser pulses based on a linear photovoltaic effect

Romashko R. V., Grachev A. I., Kamshilin A. A., Kamenev O. T., Kulchin Yu. N.


The geometry of the recording of dynamic holograms in a photorefractive crystal to detect the vibration of microoscillators

Romashko R. V., Yashkuzin I. O., Efremov T. A., Asalhanova M. A.


Excitation efficiency of waveguide modes of optical fiber by laser beam scattering on a radially symmetric layer of core heterogeneities

Shibelgut A. A., Litvinov R. V., Kirienko N. G.


The diffraction characteristics of the PDLC photo nic structures with complex discrete spatial inhomogeneity of the control field

Semkin A. O., Sharangovich S. N.


Management, computer science and informatics

Checking the accessibility of marking Petri nets by inverting state trees for data transmission protocol

Markov A. V., Voevoda A. A.


Parameter identification algorithm based on a modified least square method for Takagi - Sugeno fuzzy systems

Golubeva A. A.


Discrete-event simulation in CM MARS for a «Mass service system» course

Grigorieva T. E.


Hierarchical-coordination method distribution frequency channels in mesh-network IEEE 802.11 based on the principle of predicting the interactions

Garkusha S. V.


The use of individual-stream model of evacuation in the risk assessment of fire danger in public buildings

Danchenko A. M., Tarakanov V. S., Shtern V. V.


The concept of LARM on ARM architecture

Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha V. V.


Choice of numerical integration method of differential equations for global navigation satellite systems

Karaush A. A.


Self-organizing control system of computer network traffic

Basynya E. A., Frantsuzova G. A., Gunko A. V.


The dynamic model of quasi-equilibrium processes of multicomponent countercurrent extraction/re- extraction in the 3- step extractors

Kolumbetov A. T., Svetlakov A. A.


Intellectualization of acceptance control technology of complex technical objects

Larin V. P., Smirnov V. A.


A formal language for describing the structure of technical documents and interpretation of it to the format method of component circuits

Panov S. A.


Methods of organizing the table of technical meetings

Budanov A. N., Dmitriev V. M.


Ways of organization of information interaction between organizations and government structures

Senchenko P. V., Lazarev I. V.


Methods for evaluation the effectiveness of public administration activities

Sidorov A. A.


Electrical engineering

The forming of step operation mode of an induction motor by amplitude balance modulation

Aristov A. V., Ekkert I. A.


Analysis of the Asynchronous Electrical Motor Length Effect on the Magnetic Field Distribution and on the Force Torque Created by This Field

Persova M. G., Soloveychik Yu. G., Gamadin M. V., Serdobintseva M. L.


The greatest degree of the stability of a two-mass system for regulators of the lowered order

Koryukin A. N., Voevoda A. A.


The equivalent electrical circuit of heating appliances

Stepnoy V. S., Abramchuk S. I., Mukashev A. M., Pugovkin A. V.


Creation of products of an extreme robotics on the basis of «active» cardan transmission

Osipov Yu. M., Osipov O. Yu.



The software for feedback forming in training techniques of basketball players

Kozin V. V.


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Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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