List of articles

Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Noise figure of an active antenna array

Hlusov V. A., Dotsenko V. V.


Questions of resolving ability of phase direction finder with antenna system in the form of linear array

Denisov V. P., Dubinin D. V., Erofeev D. V.


Research of application possibilities for model of near-field microwave interference microscope to solve the problems in hygroscopy and defectoscopy

Zapasnoy A. S., Belichenko V. P., Mironchev A. S.


Investigation of influence of near-field scan step size increment on antenna pattern reconstruction accuracy of a satellite onboard antenna

Domanov S. K., Goshin G. G.


Investigation of degradation of GaN based semiconductor structures

Ehanin S. G., Tomashevich A. A.


Plasma density distribution in the discharge with an extended hollow cathode of the fore-vacuum plasma electron source

Klimov A. S., Ostanin S. A.


A breadboard model of the measuring probe of a new type for the measurement of multiphase environments levels

Trenkal E. I., Loschilov A. G.


Atmosphere halogen oxides concentration retrieving by differential optical spectroscopy in the UV region of the spectrum

Geyko P. P., Smirnov S. S.


Quality improvement for the images in active pulse TV systems using inverse filtering algorithms

Salykova D. A., Utemisov A. N., Kapustin V. V.


Investigation of the ring resonator parameters influence on the characteristics of the three-axis optoelectronic angular velocity transducer

Busurin V. I., Korobkov V. V., Yin N. V.


Two models of the reflection coefficient modulus meter in a wide frequency band using microwave radiometry

Filatov A. V., Belov N. Yu., Tarasov S. E., Filatov N. A., Loschilov A. G.


Conditions of functions invariance for the synthesis of active circuits

Ryzhov V. A., Smurov A. V.


Management, computer science and informatics

Analysis and management of information security risks using cognitive modeling technology

Vasiliev V. I., Vulfin A. M., Kudryavtseva R. T.


Development of a method for quantitative evaluation and prediction of information security with restricted access on the basis of Markov random processes

Bordak I. V., Rosenko A. P.


Comparative analysis of computational methods for finding Taylor series coefficients in computer algebra systems

Melman V. S., Shablya Yu. V., Kruchinin D. V., Kruchinin V. V.


Architecture features of a common information space to manage complex technological processes

Mescheryakov R. V., Zhukovskiy O. I., Senchenko P. V., Gritsenko Yu. B., Milihin M. M.


Methodology to monitor commercial and industrial facilities using geoinformation technologies

Milihin M. M., Gritsenko Yu. B., Shurygin Yu. A.


Topological model of information control network

Salomatina E. V.


Comparative analysis of desktop and client-server databases

Borovskoy I. G., Shelmina E. A.


Synthesis of a two-loop control system for a chemical reactor using a numerical method with regularization

Emelyanova T. A., Goncharov V. I., Dementiev Yu. N., Tutov I. A.


Active identification of PI-regulator parameters in the automatic control system for an unstable first-order object

Voevoda A. A., Bobobekov K. M.


Methodology of the water objects detection from multi-spectrum satellite measurements

Kataev M. Yu., Bekerov A. A.


Methodology to build a frontal skeletal model of a human figure during walking using images

Kataev M. Yu., Kataeva N. G., Korobko A. P., Shaymardanov T. M.


Calculation of the dynamic characteristics of the manipulator

Goritov A. N., Molokova M. F.


Building a three-dimensional model of the workspace of an industrial robot

Goritov A. N.


Interpretation of the statechart diagram into a multilevel simulation language

Kochergin M. I.


Processing complexity in exacting probability distributions of symmetrical additively partitioned statistics and application area of limit distributions

Melnikov A. K.


Overview of complex solutions for energy resources accounting

Zykov D. D., Urazaev D. R., Habibulina N. Yu.


Practical experience of using multimedia distance learning system Sydney for the collective form of learning

Hatkov N. D., Mandel A. E.


Regularities in the behavior of the forgetting curves

Buymov A. G.


Time normalization of syllables with the dynamic time warping algorithm in assessing of syllables pronunciation quality when speaking

Novohrestova D. I.


Electrical engineering

Direct load current shaping of LED driver with increased reliability

Korolskiy D. A., Mihalchenko G. Ya., Mihalchenko S. G.



Realization of the smoothing filters for noise suppression in the Scilab environment

Akifiev A. A., Zaytseva E. V., Zamyakin S. S., Maksimov A. E., Pustynskiy I. N.


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Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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