Atmosphere halogen oxides concentration retrieving by differential optical spectroscopy in the UV region of the spectrum

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Authors: Geyko P. P., Smirnov S. S.

Annotation: The method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy is an effective tool for open-path measurements of atmospheric gases and impurities. The gas analyzers based on this method traditionally include a high pressure xenon lamp as the radiation source, that require high voltage, which makes gas analyzers bulky and power-inefficient. Recent developments in fiber-coupling telescope technology and the availability of ultraviolet light emitting diodes have now allowed us to construct a portable, long path gas analyzer. The gas analyzer comprises two UV-LEDs emitting in the near UV-region of the spectrum, system of optical fibers, receiving-transmitting telescope, spectrometer and treatment system. The article presents a description of the methodology and results of the measurement of chlorine and bromine oxides with gas analyzer based on UV-LEDs.

Keywords: differential optical spectroscopy, absorption cross- section ultraviolet leds, chlorine dioxide, bromine oxide

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