Calculation of the dynamic characteristics of the manipulator

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Authors: Goritov A. N., Molokova M. F.

Annotation: Designing robots, solving manipulator control problems, analyzing the kinematic structure leads to the need to study the dynamic processes that occur during the operation of the robot. In the report, the modification of the RAUMS simulation system is considered. Modification of the system allows performing calculations of the dynamic characteristics of the objects under study. It also includes the modification of the component model and the integration into the system of the unit for calculating the dynamic characteristics of the manipulator. The implemented algorithm is based on the Lagrange–Euler method and allows solving the direct and inverse problem of dynamics. The result of the calculations is presented in a table and a graph of the change in the dynamic characteristics at the time. As a result of the development of the module, the modeling capabilities were expanded, in terms of analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the robot.

Keywords: robot - manipulator, direct problem of dynamics, inverse dynamic problem, lagrange–euler method, raums system

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