Investigation of the ring resonator parameters influence on the characteristics of the three-axis optoelectronic angular velocity transducer

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Authors: Busurin V. I., Korobkov V. V., Yin N. V.

Annotation: This article presents the structure and mathematical model of the three-axis photoelectric angular velocity transducer based on the optical tunneling effect (OTE) and then provides the transfer function of the three-axis optoelectronic angular velocity transducer. The influence of the ring resonator parameters to the natural frequency and the secondary displacement of the ring resonator is investigated. The influence of the optoelectronic module on the total internal reflectivity, the optical power of photo receiver and the output voltage is described also.

Keywords: ring wave resonator, three axis optoelectronics transducer, angular velocity, optical tunneling, natural frequency of vibration, conversion function, gap, radial displacement

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