List of articles

Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Method to select the optimal structures for antenna arrays of phase direction finders and assessment of probability characteristics

Porubov G. G.


Analysis of a Novel Class of Waveguiding Structures Suitable for Reactively Loaded Antenna Array Design

Maksimidis R., Karatelli D., Toso D., Smolders B.


Use of orthogonal linearly polarized signals in a dual channel board UHF radio beacon landing navigation systems

Gulko V. L., Mescheryakov A. A.


Method to reduce the transverse dimension of the orthomode transducer of frequency-polarization device installed on feed antenna for reflector spacecraft antennas

Krylov Yu. V.


Diffraction characteristics of holographic polarization PDLC structures with non-uniform phase profile

Malysheva D. I., Semkin A. O., Sharangovich S. N.


Experimental investigations of holographic diffraction PDLC structures

Semkin A. S., Sharangovich S. N., Vasiliev E. V., Vikulina I. A., Gusachenko K. O., Dudnik D. I.


Estimating the number of subcarrier channels in fiber optic transmission systems with direct photodetection

Vardanyan V. A.


Temperature dependence of radiation power and coloured temperature of semiconductor light source

Korotkova K. V., Romanova M. A., Smirnov S. V.


Features of generating beam plasma in isolated metallic hollow in fore-vacuum pressure range

Zolotuhin D. B., Burdovitsin V. A., Oks E. M., Tyunkov A. V., Yushkov Yu. G.


Methods to increase definition of high quality television images using linear algorithms

Kamenskiy A. V.


Investigation of ultra-short pulsed capacitor model

Nazarov M. A., Semenov E. V.


Mathematical model of the noise in polycrystalline n-CdSe

Davydov V. N., Haritonov S. V.


Economic sciences

Monolithic integrated circuit of double balanced mixer of frequency range 5–26 GHz

Drozdov A. V., Drobotun N. B., Goshin G. G., Horoshilov E. V.


Management, computer science and informatics

Rationale for increased DLP index to protect information from leakage via electromagnetic channels

Avsentiev O. S., Krugov A. G.


Software module to obtain explicit expressions for generating functions coefficients based on use of composition

Perminova M. Yu.


Software system for speaker verification using parallel CPU and GPU computing

Rahmanenko I. A.


About one algorithm of adaptive learning based on forgetting curve

Krechetov I. A., Kruchinin V. V.


Trend analysis for time series of NDVI

Kataev M. Yu., Bekerov A. A., Shalda P. V.


Method to smooth time series of NDVI

Kataev M. Yu., Bekerov A. A., Medvetskiy D. V.


Machine learning for forest segmentation in satellite images

Mihaylov E. V., Say S. V.


Statistical properties of generalized binary shift registers

Melnikov S. Yu.


Evaluated feasibility of modeling the measurement process in case of software uncertainty calculation

Shushkevich T. V.


Creating a structure of a software package for vocal rehabilitation of patients after larynx removal based on bionic principles

Harchenko S. S.


Charging station control system for an underwater robot

Ezangina T. A., Gayvoronskiy S. A., Hozhaev I. V.


Adaptive remote control interface based on Smartphone application for six-wheeled mobile robot

Mironov M. D., Kashevnik A. M.


Electrical engineering

Module to charge storage batteries for space application

Zagorodskih E. V., Shkolnyy V. N., Shinyakov Yu. A., Osipov A. V., Suhorukov M. P.


Hardware-software complex to test batteries

Yuzhanin M. V., Tuev V. I., Denisenko A. V., Gammershmidt M. M.


Mathematical model of electric power supply system for remotely operated unmanned underwater vehicle with AC electric power transmission line

Pravikova A. A., Rulevskiy V. M., Lyapunov D. Yu., Bukreev V. G.


Power supply device for onboard auxiliary circuit of DC electric locomotive: scheme of the power part and methods to form the output voltage

Pustovetov M. Yu.


Design optimization of partitioned bushing insulators

Smirnov G. V.



Creation of Domestic Communication Satellites «Yamal» and its Onboard Repeaters

Sevastyanov N. N.


Four-coordinate manipulator for electron-beam welding facility

Beskonchin K. V., Zolotuhin D. B., Zenin A. A., Tyunkov A. V., Yushkov Yu. G.


Control unit for power supply and beam forming system for electron beam welding installation

Zenin A. A., Klimov A. S., Yushkov Yu. G., Tyunkov A. V., Zhalyaletdinov V. A.


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Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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