Bukreev Viktor Grigorievich
- Approximation of a nonlinear mathematical model of the power system of a deep-sea apparatus
- Estimating of DC motor rotational speed by the spectral structure of consumed current
- Exploration AC electrical machines operational reliability in mining industry
- Mathematical model of electric power supply system for remotely operated unmanned underwater vehicle with AC electric power transmission line
- Mathematical model of full-bridge voltage converter
- Method to estimate the available capacity of a Lithium-ion battery when the battery temperature changes
- Method to estimate the energy efficiency of Power Conditioning Units in Spacecrafts Electric Power Systems
- Modeling of electrostatic discharge impact transmitting through spacecraft cabling
- Modeling of lithium-ion battery considering the materials degradation properties of its cells
- Nonlinear controller synthesis of discrete control systems by electromechanical objects
- Optimization technique for energy mass characteristics of the EPS of a geostationary spacecraft
- Parameter calculation method of the Lithium-Ion cells dynamic model
- Research of three-position relay control the temperature in the sliding mode
- Shepherd algorithm to determine model parameters when constructing simulator of the Lithium-Ion cells
- Simulation of nonlinear systems in FBD blocks with limited basis
- Synthesis of Regulators of the Drying Plant Control System Based on Statistical Data