List of articles

Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Receiving Linear Array Beamforming Using Spatially Variant Apodization

Novikov A. V., Hlusov V. A.


Impulse responses variability of the terrestrial paths of propagation of centimeter radio waves in ten-second intervals

Anikin A. S.


Synthesis of an ideal phase ratio for a coupled-line coupler with a given type of directionality

Sychev A. N., Struchkov S. M., Rudyy N. Yu.


Research of the influence of the inhomogeneous plane-layered structures on an impedance of the broadband antenna

Abulkasymov M. M., Dzhakypov K. A., Chernysh T. G., Shostak A. S.


Survey of the penetration in shielding enclosure with aper- ture of electromagnetic field with different polarizations

Mitrohin V. E., Bondarenko K. A., Ryapolov A. V.


An analysis of the influence of hydrometeors on the linear depolarization ratio and differential reflectivity of the radar signals

Masalov E. V., Krivin N. N., Kokoulin K. V.


Features of the use of a circular depolarization ratio in remote sensing of meteorological formations

Masalov E. V., Rudometova A. S., Krivin N. N.


Measurement and correction of coordinate distortions in television images by means of computer technologies

Shipunova K. V., Kamenskiy A. V., Kuryachiy M. I.


Improving the efficiency of electron emission from the hollow cathode in the forevacuum plasma electron source

Zenin A. A., Klimov A. S., Nikolaenko A. N.


Formation of the ohmic contact to the n-layer of gallium nitride using the pre-ionic treatment

Zasuhin D. I., Minin O. N., Viktorova E. A.


Adaptive hydrophone using various modifications of optical fiber sensors

Romashko R. V., Bezruk M. N., Ermolaev S. A.


Methodology for modeling the temperature stability of the B19K resistor blocks in SPICE simulators

Ozerkin D. V., Rusanovskiy S. A.


Universal method to calculate the Utilization Factor for luminous flux of lighting devices

Goncharov A. D., Tuev V. I.


Management, computer science and informatics

Basic principles of developing web-oriented information systems for managing the infrastructure of socio-economic and technical processes

Ehlakov Yu. P., Zhukovskiy O. I., Senchenko P. V., Gritsenko Yu. B., Milihin M. M.


System to evaluate social network groups for the implementation of marketing activities

Gribanova E. B., Katasonova A. V.


Use of piecewise-linear approximation to identify trends in the financial market

Borovskoy I. G., Kosteley Ya. V.


Investigation of the predictive ability of the Hurst index in relation to the Russian stock market

Borovskoy I. G., Zhuchkov A. O.


Fuzzy neural network for Markovian arrival processes’ intensity classification

Korikov A. M., Nguen A. T.


Identification of fuzzy classifiers based on gravitational search algorithm

Hodashinskiy I. A., Bardamova M. B., Kovalev V. S.


Highlighting of parametrically specified objects on the low resolution image

Goritov A. N., Yakovchenko S. I.


Defining parameters of a regulator using multilevel computer model

Dmitriev V. M., Gandzha T. V., Zaychenko T. N.


Analysis of strip structures of radioelectronic devices with reduced computational costs

Ahunov R. R.


Electrical engineering

Series resonant converter for discharge of batteries space vehicles power systems

Osipov V. A., Shkolnyy V. N., Shinyakov Yu. A., Yaroslavtsev E. V., Shemolin I. S.


Analytical model of AC-AC converter as a component of the aircraft power generation system

Garganeev A. G., Haritonov S. A., Balagurov M. V., Mansurov A. R.


An analysis of soft-switching boost-converters for the spacecraft’ power system

Zapolskiy S. A., Shkolnyy V. N., Shinyakov Yu. A.


Method to estimate the available capacity of a Lithium-ion battery when the battery temperature changes

Handorin M. M., Bukreev V. G.


Estimating of the influence of defectiveness level of the enameled wires on reliability of interturn insulation

Dudkin A. N., Leonov A. P., Supueva A. S.



Electron-beam gun with thermionic cathode for welding machine

Rau A. G., Osipov I. V., Tyunkov A. V., Yushkov Yu. G., Zolotuhin D. B., Zenin A. A.


System to control electron-beam setup and information display

Burachevskiy Yu. A., Bakeev I. Yu., Miller A. V., Novgorodov R. G.


Editorial office address

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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