List of articles
Electronics, radio engineering and communications
Management, computer science and informatics
Domestic and foreign experience in security testing
Derkach E. A., Shelupanov A. A.
Implementation of encryption in the PDCP protocol of 5G NR network
Razenkov S. I., Borsch V. N.
Comparison of fuzzy logic systems based on triangular and trapezoidal membership functions
Ehlakov Yu. P., Saprunov S. O., Poguda A. A., Cherkashin N. S.
Algorithm for calculating capacitive and inductive matrices of infinitely thin plates by the partial element equivalent circuit method
Chebanov V. S., Komnatnov M. E., Kuksenko S. P.
Adaptive sliding mode control for brushless motor
Tran V. T., Korikov A. M.
Optimization of optical flow algorithms of a technical chain control system
Gusev P. Yu., Sokolnikov V. V., Vetohin V. V., Ageev A. A.
Peculiarities of fully connected neural network design for estimating the lipophilicity of organic compounds
Pyakillya B. I., Goncharov V. I.