Kuksenko Sergey Petrovich
- Acceleration of multiple calculations of the matrix of electrostatic induction coefficients of a strip structure
- Acceleration of multiple solutions for linear system with partially-changing matrix
- Algorithm for calculating capacitive and inductive matrices of infinitely thin plates by the partial element equivalent circuit method
- A simple method to speed up the computation of capacitive matrixes of strip structure when changing its geometric parameter
- Comparison of the computational and analytical evaluations for multiple acceleration of multiple linear system solution by block LU-decomposition
- ILU(0)-factorization algorithm with the use of OpenMP
- New features of electromagnetic compatibility in TALGAT simulation software
- On techniques to compute surface singular integrals for formulating the matrix-vector equation of the moment method when solving antenna problems
- Review of expert systems for electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment
- Use of graphics processing unit for calculation of the matrix elements of the system of linear algebraic equations in the TALGAT system