Using Gauss Quadratures to Compute Surface Singular Integrals in the Method of Moments for Scattering Problems

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Authors: Klyukin D. V., Zaykov A. O., Mochalov D. M., Ivanov A. A., Kuksenko S. P.

Annotation: The accuracy of calculating radar cross section by the method of moments, using Gauss quadratures to eliminate singularity in the formation of the system of linear algebraic equations, has been evaluated. Calculations of the bistatic radar cross section of a perfectly conducting sphere at various combinations of integration points have been performed. Using published data, the absolute and relative deviations of the obtained results have been evaluated. Using feature selective validation method, all data sets are evaluated to confirm the results of the analysis of deviations. Evaluated the number of conditioning of the matrix of the system of linear algebraic equations. The most versatile combination of integration points for computing singular inte-grals is identified, that provides the best balance between solu-tion accuracy and computational cost. The calculation of the scattering of the slit case using this combination of points is performed. The results show a good agreement with data ob-tained in commercial software based on the finite difference time domain method.

Keywords: feature selective validation, radar cross section, quadrature formulas, method of moments, numerical methods

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