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Authors: Bilinskiy K. V., Emelyanov E. V., Sbrodov A. V.

Annotation: This paper presents the design and principle of operation of a passive harmonic mixer in the 3-mm range (75-110 GHz), the active element of which is an antiparallel pair of Schottky barri-er diodes (SBD). A theoretical analysis of the mixer operation was carried out. A technique for measuring conversion losses using a vector network analyzer is presented. The experimental results of a study of the dependence of the conversion losses of a harmonic mixer on the design of an antiparallel pair of DBSs are presented. The variable parameters of the antiparallel pair of diodes were the distance between the anode leads, the length of the anode lead and the diameter of the Schottky barrier contact. The dynamic range of the mixer is investigated.

Keywords: nonlin-ear element, conversion loss, antiparallel dbs pair, harmonic mixer

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