List of articles

Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Plasma mass-charge composition measurements generated in the discharge system with electron injection and additional sputtering electrode

Tyunkov A. V., Yushkov Yu. G.


Electron-beam soldering of alumina ceramics and metal with using plasma electron source

Zenin A. A., Klimov A. S.


The comparative analysis of the energy conversion efficiency of solar energy by DC converters

Osipov A. V., Shurygin Yu. A., Shinyakov Yu. A., Otto A. I., Chernaya M. M.


Control of positional electric drive units for measuring illumination thermal vacuum chamber

Arzhanov V. V., Mishin V. N., Rakitin G. A., Arzhanov K. V.


Technology of soft switching of transistors in DC-DC converter

Mamortsev S. V., Mihalchenko G. Ya.


Calculation algorithm of a wideband amplifier with two-pole serial and parallel feedback

Yakushevich G. N.


Management, computer science and informatics

Development of software for face recognition system modeling

Schegoleva N. L.


The methodology of determining the hand gestures the observed with the camcorder

Kataev M. Yu., Shirokov L. V.


Methods and software of multimedia data processing at support of distributed meetings

Budkov V. Yu.


Information system of territories’ energy efficiency analysis

Silich M. P., Vahitov A. R., Prudnikov I. I.


Identification of the parameters of the objects in electronic master plan for metallurgical enterprise

Galitskaya L. V., Golubeva A. A., Gritsenko Yu. B., Zhukovskiy O. I., Pudul I. Yu.


Use of the intermediate software representations for static analysis of source code

Zubov M. V., Pustygin A. N., Startsev E. V.


The probability of making a false solutions under the influence of information security threats in decisionmaking systems with experts

Efimov B. I., Fayzullin R. T.


The interpreter of programming language for design generators of tests based on AND/OR trees

Zorin Yu. A.


The reasons of increase of vulnerability and decrease in firmness of functions of safety of the automated systems of higher education institution

Shemyakov A. O.


Studying of properties of efficiency and robust works of multiplex system

Molchanov A. L., Fayzullin R. T.


Search in semantic digital libraries

Le H., Tuzovskiy A. F.


New operations on fuzzy numbers and intervals

Efremov A. A.


Automation technologies for shaping and monitoring of electronic master plan engineering of infrastructure

Ehlakov Yu. P., Gritsenko Yu. B., Zhukovskiy O. I.


Simulation of nonlinear systems in FBD blocks with limited basis

Shilin A. A., Bukreev V. G., Gladysheva E. I.


Methodology of design of decision-making situation centers

Grachyov V. V., Silich V. A., Silich M. P.


Mathematical models of the process of planning in public utility infrastructure

Lazarev I. V.


The software system of dynamics simulation of thermokarst lake fields in permafrost zones

Polischuk V. Yu.


Interface between GIS technology of electronic master plan with other software systems

Gritsenko Yu. B., Zhukovskiy O. I., Lazarev I. V., Milihin M. M., Senchenko P. V.


Algorithms for generating structures of two-criterion Pareto optimal fuzzy approximators

Hodashinskiy I. A., Gorbunov I. V., Sinkov D. S.


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Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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