List of articles

Surveys on topical problems of science and technology

Some Vacuum-Arc-Based Plasma and Ion Beam Tools for Surface Modification

Brown I.


Laws of geometrical optics for isotropic left-handed metamaterials

Fisanov V. V.


Electronics, measurement technology, radio engineering and communications

Mutual coupling influence on wire arc antenna array pa- rameters

Yurtsev O. A., Zavadskiy S. A.


Algorithm of eliminating ambiguity and calculating bearing for multibase phase direction finders

Porubov G. G.


Schottky diode model for MMIC Application

Drozdov A. V., Danilov D. S., Yunusov I. V., Goshin G. G.


Methods to improve equalization in connection systems with OFDM

Kovalev V. V., Pokamestov D. A.


Experimental research of microwave generator for unified construction of local oscillators in multichannel receiver for radio intelligence

Podstrigaev A. S., Slobodyan M. G.


Influence of the shape of accelerating electrode in the fore- vacuum plasma electron source on the maximal parame- ters of electron beam focusing

Bakeev I. Yu., Klimov A. S.


Development of a TEM-cell for electromagnetic compatibility testing of integrated circuits

Demakov A. V., Komnatnov M. E.


Analysis of electromagnetic and acoustic radiation of un- manned aerial vehicles

Bombizov A. A., Petrov A. B., Loschilov A. G.


Trace-analysis of differential chronoscopy of the SHS combustion wave by high-speed television recording

Gulyaev P. Yu., Iordan V. I., Mulyarets V. V.


Management, computer science and informatics

Cyber-attack intensity interval forecasting on objects of critical information infrastructure

Krakovskiy Yu. M., Kurchinskiy B. V., Luzgin A. N.


Identification of key players of social graph with Kendall–Wei ranking

Efremov A. A., Luneva E. E., Banokin P. I., Kochegurova E. A.


Structure and technology of the environment for the development of strategic decision support systems

Zaharova A. A.


Electrical engineering

Synchronous time-pulse method to control the resonant inverter with serial capacitive load compensation

Afanasiev A. M., Golembiovskiy Yu. M., Kulikov A. V.


Bidirectional three-port high-frequency DC/DC-converter

Golembiovskiy Yu. M., Lukov D. Yu., Koval M. G.


Power supply system based on the predictive model auton- omous inverter control

Garganeev A. G., Abuelsaud R. S.


Method to estimate the energy efficiency of Power Conditioning Units in Spacecrafts Electric Power Systems

Nesterishin M. V., Bukreev V. G., Kozlov R. V., Zhuravlev A. V.


Bidirectional booster converter with an active rectifier for charge-discharge of a battery in power systems

Osipov A. V., Shemolin I. S., Shkolnyy V. N., Latypov R. A.


Electric drive of pulley of pipeline valve with hysteresis coupling

Garganeev A. G., Kyui D. K., Kashin E. I.



Nonlinear element for solar cell simulator

Andreev Yu. A., Bubnov O. V., Shurygin Yu. A.


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Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 701-582


Viktor N. Maslennikov

Executive Secretary of the Editor’s Office

 Editor’s Office: 40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

  Phone / Fax: + 7 (3822) 51-21-21 / 51-43-02

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