Schottky diode model for MMIC Application

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Authors: Drozdov A. V., Danilov D. S., Yunusov I. V., Goshin G. G.

Annotation: The article presents a wideband Schottky diode model, the diode was fabricated using Micran GaAs monolithic integrated technology (MMIC) for the application range up to 67 GHz. The measurements results necessary to reconstruct the smallsignal model of the diode and extract the nonlinear parameters of the SPICE diode model are given, namely: IV characteristics, CV characteristics, S-parameters with zero bias on the diode. To eliminate the parasitic parameters of the pad, the experimental data was de-embedded by the L2L method. A feature of the presented model is its layout of the diode simulation methods, namely: EM simulation for passive diode elements and a nonlinear SPICE model for the semiconductor area. The combination of simulation methods allows us to better describe the frequency dependences of parasitic elements of the diode topology. The simulated results are presented compared to measured data and used to design fre- quency multiplier of 20-50 GHz band.

Keywords: small-signal model, frequency multiplier, mmic, schottky diode

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