Structure and technology of the environment for the development of strategic decision support systems

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Authors: Zaharova A. A.

Annotation: One of the most important tasks of managers in different organizations and enterprises in the current economic conditions is to improve the level and effectiveness of strategic management, the quality and validity of strategic decisions. At the same time, high uncertainty, incompleteness and inaccuracy of information, the complexity of modeling and forecasting processes and phenomena determine the need to use expert knowledge, to operate with expert information. Despite the diversity of socio-economic systems (SES), there are similar (repetitive, typical) tasks of decision making in the practice of strategic management that arise in any SES. In this regard, the urgent task is to create a software environment that allow to construct decision support systems for strategic management of socioeconomic systems of various types on the basis of a standard toolkit that allows working with expert knowledge. The purpose of the work is to develop the conceptual framework for the development environment of strategic decision support systems (DE SDSS), its structure and composition. As a result we present the technology of functioning of DE SDSS, the library of standard modules and the technology of their interaction, the technology of creation of strategic decision support systems in this development environment.

Keywords: development environment, decision making support system, strategic control, expert knowledge, module

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