Development of a TEM-cell for electromagnetic compatibility testing of integrated circuits

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Authors: Demakov A. V., Komnatnov M. E.

Annotation: The results of the development of a TEM-cell for testing integrated circuits with maximum size 30×30×5 mm 3 on electromagnetic compatibility in the frequency range up to 5.2 GHz are presented. The versions of TEM-cell, differing in the form of the matching coaxial-stripline transitions are considered. Electrodynamic simulation and parametric optimization of transitions are performed in order to achieve agreement with the transmission line. The variant providing the best matching is chosen for the further development based on the frequency dependences of the magnitude of the reflection coefficient |S 11 | (|S 11 | less than -30 dB). Frequency dependencies of |S 11 | of chosen variant are calculated with a more detailed step of mesh by transmission line and finite element methods to verify the convergence of the results.

Keywords: tem-cell, electromagnetic compatibility, inte- grated circuits, noise immunity

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