Gleicher's formula in solving the problem of plagiarism and managing students' research work

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Authors: Buymov A. G., Poholkov Yu. P., Tarasenko V. F.

Annotation: The article discusses the problem of infringement of academic ethics among students of universities. The author compares the perception of this problem by scientists, university administration, teachers and students. The prospects of applying punitive measures to counteract fraud, measures aimed at correcting the corporate culture of the university, as well as measures to reorganize independent work that makes attempts at plagiarism impossible or unprofitable are evaluated. Based on the application of the change formula, or the Glaicher's formula, the differences between the characteristics of students who choose a cheating strategy in training and students who prefer honest work and cooperation are revealed. The first steps aimed at changing the behavior of dishonest students and involving them in the cooperation strategy are proposed.

Keywords: academic dishonesty, plagiarism, managing students' independent work, cooperation strategy

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