Motion trajectory planning for a manipulator based on modified ant colony optimization

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Authors: Goritov A. N., Goncharov K. V.

Annotation: Manipulators are widely used to automate a broad range of operations in industry. It is required to compute a motion plan for a manipulator to move the manipulator from the initial configuration to the goal configuration so that the manipulator can accomplish the planned operations. The motion planning problem is further complicated by the fact that there are obstacles in the work zone of the manipulator, collision with which is to be avoided. There exist many motion planning methods both for obstacle-free environments and for environments with obstacles. The group of motion planning methods based on heuristic algorithms is of a particular interest. In this paper, a research on the possibility of modification of a motion planning method based on ant colony optimization algorithm for building a motion plan for a manipulator is carried out. A modification of the original method, using probabilistic roadmap (PRM) method, is proposed. An analysis on results of modified algorithm with varied values of parameters of the algorithm is performed. Recommendations on the optimal selection of parameters of the algorithm are provided based on results of the analysis.

Keywords: manipulator, trajectory, motion planning, obstacles, ant colony optimization, prm

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