Tislenko Vladimir Ilich
- Algorithm for joint estimation of the navigation vector and unknown bias in the loosely coupled inte- grated navigation system using adaptive two-stage extended Kalman filter
- Calibration of strapdown MEMS acceleration and gyro sensors in inertial navigation systems
- Comparative analysis of a standard error of determining the coordinates of the object in the strapdown inertial navigation system using different algorithms for nonlinear filtering
- Detail enhancement method for group delay measurement of microwave devices using vector network analyzers
- Effect of initial conditions on the RMS estimates of coordinates in strapdown inertial navigation system with quaternion method of transition between the bases
- GLONASS navigation satellites signals search and acquisition for space-based navigation receivers
- Ground target position estimation
- Quasi-optimal adaptive algorithm for filtering the coordinates of a moving source of radio emission during single-position passive direction finding on sea over-the-horizon paths
- Research of statistical properties of co-ordinates estimation in a strapdown inertial navigating system using the quaternion approach of transformation of coordinates
- Research of suppression level of intermodulation distortion in a nonlinear power amplifier with predistortion signal system
- Review and comparative analysis of nonlinear distortion compensators design in power amplifier
- Target tracking methods
- Track initiation methods for moving targets