Computational experimental method of analyzing waves in irregular coupled strip lines with lumped inhomogeneities

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Authors: Trenkal E. I., Malyutin N. D., Loschilov A. G., Fedorov V. N.

Annotation: A numerical solution to analyze wave processes in coupled irregular strip lines based on the finite-difference form of telegraph equations is considered. Two ways of defining boundary conditions are considered: calculation of voltages and currents at the beginning and at the end of a strip structure using matrix analysis; determination of voltages and currents in the measurement process using vector analyzers. Matrix analysis of step irregular strip lines is carried out when setting the primary parameters in the form of polygons. The introduction of primary parameters polygons eliminated the problem of determining the derivatives of the functions of voltages and currents at the points of inclusion of concentrated inhomogeneities. An example of the calculation of voltage waves and currents in a two-channel impedance transformer is given. A comparison of the calculated and experimental results of a device based on the stepped-irregular coupled strip lines confirming the applicability of the proposed experimental method is presented.

Keywords: irregular coupled strip lines, transformer impedances, finite difference telegraph equations, polygons of primary parameters

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