Evaluation of MANET information safety characteristics based on the analysis of link topologies

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Authors: Gvozdev V. E., Guzairov M. B., Davlieva A. S., Galimov R. R.

Annotation: Topological features of distributed infocommunication net-works are among the key factors that determine their properties: stability, reliability and resistance to failures and attacks. The study of the communications topology influence in the Wireless Mobile ad hoc network, as an integral part of the infrastructure of computing and communication systems, is one of the priority tasks when it comes to ensure the effective and efficient net-work-centric control. The paper presents the results of a study aiming to evaluate the efficiency of various methods used to identify the nature of trends in the case short time series.

Keywords: information safety, network-centric control, reliability, effi-ciency, trend, link topology, component, statistical indices

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