Application of the additive printer (plotter) technology in electronics to form films from organic and inor- ganic materials

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Authors: Malyutin N. D., Loschilov A. G., Artischev S. A., Zdrok A. E., Allanurov A. M., Bombizov A. A., Karaulnyh S. P., Makarov I. M., Ubaychin A. V.

Annotation: The state-of-the-art review about the use of printer (plotter) technologies in electronics has been carried out. The features of producing metal conductors, organic semiconductors films and dielectrics are considered. The classification and short description of processing equipment used for printing with inorganic and organic solutions (inks) are given. The printing technologies for transport and light-emitting layers, isolating films and conductive metal layers are described. The special attention is paid to the means to measure the films parameters and the functional printed electronics devices. The information on plotters improvement is provided.

Keywords: printer technologies, metal conductors printing technology, organic semiconductors films, plotters for contact way films deposition, transport layers printing technology, light emitting layers printing technology, dielectric films printing technology, films parameters and printing electronics devices measurements, of plotters modernization

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