Implementation of a two-circuit control system of the energy-generating complex in the mode of stabilization of the output voltage by the energy conversion channel of the battery

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Authors: Vintonyak N. P., Semenov V. D., Kabirov V. A., Tyunin S. S., Borodin D. B.

Annotation: The article deals with the two-circuit control system of the power-generating complex of the spacecraft in the mode of stabilization of the output voltage using the channel of the discharge device. In this mode, the voltage is stabilized by pulse-width Converter from the battery. The power part of the pulse-width Converter is made according to the booster circuit. The technique of constructing a low-signal model of such a Converter, based on the construction of a block diagram using the method of switching functions and analog modeling schemes is specified. The transfer functions of the correcting links of the main (external) and subordinate (internal) control circuits are obtained. The achieved dynamic characteristics of the system are confirmed by simulation in MATLAB Simulink.

Keywords: energy conversion complex, dual system of regulation, discharge device, booster circuit pulse inverter smallsignal model, frequency characteristics of switching converters, adaptation

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