Ultra-wideband electro-optical modulator with an integrated laser

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Authors: Yunusov I. V., Arykov V. S., Stepanenko M. V., Zhuk G. G., Argunov D. P., Sheynberger A. A.

Annotation: The paper presents the results of upgrading the design of a microassembly of an ultra-wideband electro-optical modulator with an integrated laser diode with a radiation wavelength of 1.31 μm for its use in an optical attachment to analyze the pa-rameters of components of high-speed fiber-optic systems used for transmitting analog and digital signals. This product can also be used to modulate a digital signal at an optical carrier wave-length of 1.31 μm. As a result of upgrading the design of the microassembly, it was possible to increase its maximum fre-quency to 40 GHz and expand the range of operating frequen-cies (100 kHz – 27 GHz). The maximum power of optical radi-ation of the integrated laser of the microassembly exceeds 10 mW at a consumption current of 90 mA.

Keywords: microassembly, electro-optical modulator

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