Nonlinear dynamic processes control system for a DC converter of the first kind

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Authors: Andriyanov A. I.

Annotation: In the paper a composite nonlinear dynamic processes control system for DC switching converters of the first kind is being considered. The proposed control system is based on two methods: time-delayed feedback method and target-oriented control. The advantage of the composite control system is the absence of the weak points specific to the two mentioned methods utilized on a standalone basis, such as possibility of occurrence of multistability domains, which is characteristic of time-delayed feedback method, and addition of static error when using the target-oriented control. The mathematical simulation of a closed-loop composite automatic control system for manipulating nonlinear dynamic processes has been implemented. The simulation results have proved the efficiency of the control system under consideration. The proposed solution can be realized with the use of a great variety of existing microcontrollers.

Keywords: pulse-width converter, nonlinear dynamics, control system, time-delayed feedback method, target-oriented control, composite control system, desired mode

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