Combined taking into account for parasitic parameters of components and their installation in calculation of passive circuit frequency characteristics of spaceborne equipment

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Authors: Kalimulin I. F., Gazizov T. R., Zabolotskiy A. M., Kuznetsova-Tadzhibaeva O. M.

Annotation: Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of spaceborne equipment on MIL-STD-461F and AIAA S-121-2009 standards is recommended in the range from 10 kHz to 40 GHz. However, mathematical models of the lowfrequency passive components in this frequency range are described not by R, L, C individual elements, but more complex equivalent circuits. In addition, such small PCB structures as surface mounting components pads can have even the considerable impact. In this paper, we describe extraction of parameters for equivalent circuit, which use the parasitic parameters of components and their installation. We show the influence through the example of 4 real circuits of spaceborne equipment.

Keywords: parasitic elements, spaceborne equipment, spacecraft, wideband model, equivalent circuit, quasi- static analysis, talgat

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