Development and research of the flow model of adaptive routing in the software-defined networks with load balancing

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Authors: Lemeshko A. V., Vavenko T. V.

Annotation: The paper presents the flow model of adaptive routing in the software-defined network with load balancing on two criteria. The first one is the optimality criterion of the load balancing process that is associated with the work of the network as a whole and is to minimize the ratio of links maximum load of telecommunications network. The second criterion was used to adapt the process of load balancing, performance is linked to equality zero contour of packet delay for each traffic separately. The study found that the use of the proposed model can improve the average multipath packet delay from 10–16 to 35–39%, and the probability of timely delivery by 17–63% compared with the previously known models of routing. At the same time the equality of the average delays is guaranteed along multiple paths calculated, thereby minimizing packet jitter caused by the implementation of multipath routing strategies.

Keywords: software-defined network, multipath routing, load balancing, quality of service, multipath delay, traffic, the coefficient of the maximum link utilization, topology

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