Absolute calibration of non-linear ultra-short pulse meter of current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics

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Authors: Nazarov M. A., Semenov E. V.

Annotation: The paper deals with the problems of linear absolute calibration of the system measurement of non-linear characteristics of the circuits on ultra-short pulse signal. Linear absolute calibration is performed only for the correction of distortions, which are made by the recording device when the signal is recorded in the memory. The systematic error of the recording device is corrected by using the function which inverse to the transfer function of the recording device. The transfer function may have poles, starting with a certain frequency. To eliminate the poles we have examined the influence of two types of filters (Gaussian filter and a «raised cosine» type). From the responses of these filters the best one was chosen and we calculated the relative error of measurement of non-linear characteristics of the circuits of the bell pulse duration of 100 ns.

Keywords: non-linear measurements, pulse impact, absolute calibration, systematic error

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